A Guest Post by Lilly Miller The global COVID-19 crisis has impacted our daily lives in numerous ways, and has definitely changed the way we do business – possibly for good. While many businesses were forced to send their employees home and adopt a remote work model, other … [Read more...]
How To Market Effectively To The Next Generation
As the demands of each generation changes and the technology advances, marketing evolves. Currently, the millennials are receiving the majority of business’s attention. However, business owners should start taking into consideration the newest kids on the block. Yes, … [Read more...]
COVID Careers: Career Planning in the Wake of the Pandemic
A Guest Post by Noah Rue Sometimes it feels like life before COVID-19 was more dream than reality. In a few short months, this little organism that no one knew even existed this time last year has managed to infiltrate virtually every aspect of our daily lives. Survival has … [Read more...]
6 Content Writing Hacks You Should Never Ignore
A Guest Post by Djurica Tarana Content writing just like any other vocation is a specialized field that requires an in-depth understanding of one to be a professional in it. Granted that anyone who is literate can write, but knowing how to create a compelling content requires … [Read more...]
The Connection Between Brand Awareness And Loyalty
In today’s increasingly competitive business environment, having a solid, trusted reputation is vital in order for your company to thrive. Generating awareness for your brand could encourage deeper engagement with current and future patrons, thereby improving customer … [Read more...]