Here's a thrice-told tale you've heard for sure: Twentysomethings rule the world today. Oh, those sweet stories about creative and self-expressive Gen Z who are ambitious, responsible, and — what's more freaking out — inexcusably productive to launch billion-dollar startups … [Read more...]
How to Prevent eCommerce Fraud
Whether you run a small or large online business, it’s essential to protect your customers and company against potential eCommerce fraud schemes. Online shopping fraud is sophisticated, and cybercriminals leverage more advanced tactics each year. Counteracting fraud starts … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Navigate Your Business in 2020
It would be an understatement to say that the COVID-19 situation has been the defining moment of 2020. Most people were not prepared to handle a pandemic of this scale, which has left everyone from department stores to iconic entertainment giants with very little. The initial … [Read more...]
Time-management Lessons for Research Students
It is well known that those who are involved in the field of research multitask in a very competitive environment - they are responsible for several aspects of research. Despite trying their hardest to be in the headspace that allows them to boost their productivity to the … [Read more...]
How to Overcome Roadblocks to Starting Your Own Business
A Guest Post by Noah Rue A lot of people dream of starting a business, but it’s harder than it seems. While daydreaming about marching into your boss’ office and quitting can feel liberating, having your own business can also feel scary. The good news is that it is possible … [Read more...]