Several times a year, bankers ask us for a debt schedule on behalf of our mutual clients. Typically, it is created either at renewal for existing debt, or when a business is seeking new financing. As indicated by the opening sentence, this is a common request and a schedule that … [Read more...]
7 Ways to Manage the Effects of Job Search Fatigue [Infographic]
Job search fatigue is real. The symptoms include sleepless nights, headaches, low self-esteem, comfort eating, and procrastination. In severe cases, some people will even start to avoid social situations. After all, you won't have to explain why you didn't get that last job if … [Read more...]
6 Trends That Are Influencing Warehouses Today
A Guest Post by Cory Levins Although the warehousing industry has been struggling to attract enough employees, part of this problem has to do with the industry’s rapid growth over the last decade. Since the rise of online shopping–and even social media shopping–warehouses have … [Read more...]
Can You Start a Mobile App Business on a Budget With No Coding Skills
Are you an entrepreneur with a great app idea but no coding skills? Have you recognized the fact that apps are becoming a great business opportunity but worry about whether you should go for it? It is a challenge — but it’s nothing that cannot be … [Read more...]
5 Ways Technology Can Improve Your Customer Satisfaction Rates
A Guest Post by Lilly Miller As Bob Dylan cleverly put it, the times they are a-changin’, and as such, the world is in the constant process of change. And as a part of these global changes, we’ve experienced a significant shift in the business-customer relationship. Not only … [Read more...]