Are you wondering what makes a good marketer? It’s not just about having great ideas and putting them into practice. It’s also about knowing how and why you got the results that you did. All in all, marketing reporting is a vital skill you should add to your skill set if … [Read more...]
5 Ways Fintech Technology Revolutionised Small Businesses
Fintech is the technology of finance. Fintech innovation enabled online payments, instant loan mobile apps, online banking, and many other financial services through software and the internet. Fintech technology has begun a new era of efficient and transparent procedures to … [Read more...]
Embracing Diversity by Removing Recruitment Bias Through AI [Infographic]
Diversity in the workplace is a topic which virtually every business is concerned with on some level. Some companies are constantly striving for more diversity while others may, unfortunately, consider it to be a nuisance. Either way, it’s an issue that should and must be … [Read more...]
7 Simple Steps to Developing a Social Media Strategy
Whether your business is a start-up or an already well-established brand, social media can help in many ways. It’s a fantastic opportunity to connect with your audience and interact with them, as social media is a two-way conversation. When creating a social media strategy, … [Read more...]
Image Optimization: Why It Still Matters in 2021 [Infographic]
We all know how vital images are to website design. As well as illustrating and breaking up written content, they provide information through visualisations and examples, and generally make a website more appealing visually to users. As images make up the majority of a page’s … [Read more...]