So, business is booming but still, you want to do more. Not just for yourself but for your customers as well. Shipping goods to customers isn’t particularly easy. In fact, it is very time consuming and depending on what the customer orders or the shipping strategy that you use to … [Read more...]
The Growing Threat of Ransomware [Infographic]
There has been a growing threat of ransomware attacks as of late. By how much? An astounding increase of over 400% since the start of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Ransomware isn’t new - why are businesses then struggling so much to keep pace with the dangers at hand? 62% of … [Read more...]
The 5 Types of Digital Signages For Retail Stores
A Guest Post by Jian Hui Hoh The retail industry has been facing new challenges constantly due to its rapidly changing nature. Emerging technologies are changing how consumers live and behave. In today’s digital era, consumers are more informed and digital-oriented. The … [Read more...]
Breakfast is Back: Here’s Why
Ever hear the phrase that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? What once started as a marketing slogan from the breakfast cereal industry has become a massive industry and indeed an important daily fueling time for many. What is an interesting habit that formed … [Read more...]
The Wellness Industry in 2021
A Guest Post by Erol Maksud The Covid-19 pandemic caused a dramatic shift in the employee wellness industry. Many employees dealt with isolation, loss, mental health decline, and changes in routine. Hence, most companies had to find a way to turn the tide around and make it … [Read more...]