Employee engagement is the ultimate key to any company’s success. Engaged employees are more productive and innovative, which in turn leads to increased revenue and profitability. Employee engagement also increases customer service levels because happy employees provide … [Read more...]
6 Costly Web Design Flaws That Can Kill Your Online Conversions
Well, there are some website elements responsible for lowering your conversions without you even knowing about them. So you have a site properly set up, placing all the important elements, and yet your conversion rates don't seem to rise. What went wrong? According to Studio … [Read more...]
How Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Affect the Startup Industry?
Blockchain and cryptocurrency are digital ledges used for securely sharing economic transactions in a decentralized database. They offer increased security by eliminating data duplication and providing data integrity with a single source of truth. Over the years, technology has … [Read more...]
Tips On How To Get Paid Faster And Maintain Cash Flow
Cash flow refers to the inflow and outflow of funds within a business. If you’re running a business, its measurement is critical to the long-term sustainability of your company. However, don't confuse cash flow with profits since they're not the same thing. Profits, on the other … [Read more...]
Can WFH Workers be Trusted? [Infographic]
As a good deal of the working world has settled into a work from home (WFH) regimen, there has been an increasingly touchy subject between employers and employees alike. Can workers be trusted to work from home? For a long time, many managers wanted to have their people in the … [Read more...]