Payroll experts, Staffology have investigated the statistics of the coronavirus pandemic, discovering how the vaccine saved the UK’s job market, and how various lockdowns and restrictions impacted the number of coronavirus cases and people on payroll. The first national … [Read more...]
Pets in the Metaverse [Infographic]
Smaller than the universe, but astronomical in its impact on humanity, the word ‘metaverse’ defines the intersection of human interaction with revolutionary emerging technologies. Video games, VR, avatars, NFTs, and AR are a few of the many things under its umbrella. Now, there’s … [Read more...]
Paying Off Your Graduate Degree Before Landing Your Dream Job
By continuing your education and going to graduate school, you have made a great investment in your future. Now, you will be able to land the dream job and make a real difference in the world. However, that willingness to succeed will also impact your bank account, and if you … [Read more...]
6 Tips for Having the Most Productive Commute Possible [Infographic]
Spending a lot of time in traffic can make you feel frustrated and angry. In fact, some people refuse to leave their homes to avoid the commute altogether. But it doesn't have to be that way. In this post, we're going to explore six different ways you can have a productive … [Read more...]
The Importance Of Cloud ERP Software For Organizations
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions offer significant benefits for businesses. For small businesses, however, ERP tools may seem out of reach. Despite growing data volumes and varieties, the “enterprise” nature of these tools often makes them time- and cost-intensive to … [Read more...]