Every big business starts small. But, at the same time, there's nothing wrong with staying small. In fact, running a small business is a great way to serve your local community, become financially independent, and leave a lasting impact on the world. And added together, all … [Read more...]
20 companies that people never want to leave
In April this year Walter Ortham set a Guinness World Record for the longest career in the same company. The centenarian started work as a shipping assistant for Brazilian textile company Industrias Renaux S.A on the 17th of January 1938. He's still there today, meaning Walter … [Read more...]
Entrepreneur Monk Mode
I’m a big fan of the unvarnished, rough around the edges types that are not afraid to call out bullshit or a bully. To me, we need more people who can, as William F. Buckley Jr. famously said: Engage in Intellectual CombatWilliam F. Buckley, Jr. One such person for me is … [Read more...]
Blockchain Development – A Breakdown on Developing Blockchain Software
Cybercrime, fraud, and identity risk cases keep rising, hence necessitating blockchain development. Blockchain management helps in facilitating dependable identity management. Blockchain technology stimulates and makes business processes more innovative and more active. With … [Read more...]
How Inflation Hits Gas and Car Insurance
Inflation today is higher than it has been in 40 years. Every American is feeling the effects, but the impact is even more acute for car owners. Gas prices have increased nearly 40% in the past 2 years. It costs an average of $51.87 to fill up a normal car’s tank. Prices at the … [Read more...]