Shortly before Russia invaded Ukraine in February, it launched a swath of cyber attacks. These attacks targeted crucial governmental infrastructure. However, Ukraine may be a test site, and other targets may come later. Ukraine has similar cyber security standards as Europe … [Read more...]
How The Pandemic Affected College Enrollment
Did you know that undergrad enrollment has dropped nearly 10% since the pandemic? That equals nearly 1.5 million students who have not enrolled in college compared to previous years. Many students chose to delay their college education due to financial strains or a preference to … [Read more...]
How Web3 Affects Employment in the United States
The development of Web3 technology has changed the way that Americans work over the past few years. Today, more workers are looking for positions where they can work independently and often from home as opposed to more traditional office settings. With the introduction of the new … [Read more...]
Key Ways To Make Your Business More Transparent
No commodity is more important in business than trust. If your customers can’t trust you to do what you say you’re going to do, chances are they won’t be asking you to do it anymore. If your employees don’t trust you to do right by them, they will be far less inclined to do their … [Read more...]
8 New Emojis for Talking About Mental Health in the Workplace
A picture can convey a thousand words. And now, thanks to this latest study from career experts, a picture can also convey a thousand emotions, including those that are really hard to talk about. The design team at created 8 new Slack emojis to help remote … [Read more...]