Projects are multi-dimensional. These dimensions push and pull on each other till the eventually, the project gets done. The trade-offs between features, schedule and budget are always present. Being aggressive on one or two leads to compensation by the third. Being aggressive on … [Read more...]
Paying For Your Time
Over at Words That Work, David Silverman proposes getting paid for your time. He postulates that all of those ridiculous meetings everyone has to attend (like HR training or IT updates), should have a dollar value attached to them. Specifically, we should all get paid for … [Read more...]
The MBA Oath
The New York Times has a great article about Harvard MBA Students and their MBA Oath. As a member of IEEE, we all have to adhere to the IEEE Ethics Code. As an executive and MBA, it is wonderful that our future managers are stepping up. It's about time. This is a tremendous … [Read more...]
Bonuses Don’t Work
Traditional bonuses threaten the viability of your company. They reinforce behavior that systematically destroys a company by perpetuating a two quarters out culture which only focuses on short term gains. They just don't work. A company with a traditional bonus plan will see … [Read more...]
Business Structures
A frequent question among my SCORE clients is: What type of business structure should I setup? There are several different types of business structures to consider. All have there advantages and disadvantages. The first thing to think about when considering a structure is the … [Read more...]