All projects have a varying degree of schedule uncertainty. The longer the project, the wider the uncertainty. Most likely, the end date will slip out because of all the project uncertainty. This is totally normal and unavoidable with complex projects. When the project gets close … [Read more...]
Creative Class: Open City
The Open City Concept (where all city documents are freely open to review) is a great thing. San Francisco is starting [this]( but [Vancouver]( made it a law (or motion, their Canadian). Open … [Read more...]
Best Biz Practices: Record Retention Requirements
Paperwork is one of those things I never keep. I hate the clutter of all those files that take up space in my filing cabinet. Well, if you own a business, better think twice about throwing out those old files. Thankfully, Mike teamed up with Robert Long to sort it out for you. … [Read more...]
Emotions Mixed With Ego Will Conspire Againest You
Humans are emotional animals. Logic, reason and practicality quick flee when emotions are in hyperdrive. Mix emotions with a fragile ego and decisions will seem unreasonable, bordering on insane. Keeping your emotions in check takes practice and determination. Setting ego aside … [Read more...]
Creative Class: The Income Map
Household income in 2008 was $50,303 down from the 1998 figure of $51,295. The chart per state is [here]( It's a disturbing trend but the by state data is all over the map. It's hard to see any kind of trend. … [Read more...]