Striving for clarity is essential no matter the length of the email, report, post or note. The length should be enough to get the point across but not too long to loose the reader. For me, the length of a correspondence is usually dictated by the amount of clutter the prose has … [Read more...]
Smallbiztwit: Things I Believe By Robert Sutton
Those of you who have not picked up "The No Asshole Rule" really should. Bob Sutton is a brilliant author and his analysis of jerks, assholes, egomaniacs and general douche bags is so accurate it's scary. So anything he puts out, I really enjoy. The guys over at Smallbiztwit … [Read more...]
Shot Of Inspiration: Nothing is Beneath You
Doing those menial jobs is what builds us up for the bigger job. If you run a company, you really need to understand and empathize with what your workers are dealing with. You do that by having experienced it for yourself. The current … [Read more...]
Creative Class: Ban Blackberrys?
This whole Multitasking thing is such a fallacy. You just can't do two things at once. What you are really doing is time-sharing by switching between different tasks. When you are in that meeting, checking your PDA, you are not paying attention to the meeting. Even if you think … [Read more...]
Topic #2: Business Structures
##Talking Points## * Non-Profit vs For Profit has tax and ownership implications * Sole-Proprietors (including a partnership) controls their own destiny including any liability. * Limited Liability Companies (LLC) vary state by state. They provide liability protection to … [Read more...]