Dharmesh over at OnStartups just released a book on InBound Marketing. I have not picked it up yet but the posts he does on his OnStartups blog are fantastic. This … [Read more...]
Best Biz Practices: Professional Social Networking
Mike has another wonderful [post](http://bestbizpractices.org/2009/10/19/web-2-0-professional-social-networking/) about the importance of using social networking for your professional career. He gives several examples of platforms that you can use to get yourself out there and … [Read more...]
I Hate People: Exit Strategy Made Easy
This [post](http://www.ihatepeoplethebook.com/2009/10/exit-strategy-made-easy.html) reminds me of a sign one firmware engineer had on his wall. It said mov IE, #0x00 ; Interrupts Disabled He put this sign up anytime he wanted to be left alone. The cube exit sign says it … [Read more...]
Topic #3: Business Ethics
##Talking Points## * Maximizing shareholder wealth at what cost * Ethics knows no boundaries, be it physical or emotional * Just because it’s legal does not make it ethical. * The MBA Oath is a great start * The shift to maximizing stakeholder … [Read more...]
I Hate People: The End of Phony Optimism
I just started following these guys after reading their book, I Hate People. If you liked "The No Asshole Rule", I Hate People is a wonderful complement to it. It's full of witty insights that expand beyond dealing with Assholes or People (those individuals that waste your time) … [Read more...]