I am a big fan of The MBA Oath. I know it's not perfect but it's a start. This latest [post](http://mbaoath.org/two-different-viewpoints/) is a good discussion about what the Oath means and how it should be applied. It's worth a read. … [Read more...]
I Hate People: Bosses Rule: The Letterman Standard
This is a great [post](http://www.ihatepeoplethebook.com/2009/11/bosses-rule-the-letterman-standard.html) on how CEO's should deal with scandal. Letterman's recent sex and extortion scandal underscores the important of taking the lead. This is a pretty classy line from one of … [Read more...]
Zen Habits: The Little Rules of Action
Great [post](http://zenhabits.net/2009/11/the-little-rules-of-action/) at Zen Habits about getting stuff done. The one that strikes me as the best for creatives types is: 3. Forget perfection. Perfectionism is the enemy of action. Kill it, immediately. You can’t let perfect stop … [Read more...]
Best Biz Practices: Video and Podcasting
I have always wondered about how to make Video and Podcasting part of my online presence. I think part of it was not the mechanics of doing it but rather what would people want to view and listen too. This [post](http://bestbizpractices.org/2009/11/08/web-2-0-video-podcasting/) … [Read more...]
Quicksprout: Finding The Right Business Partner
Interesting [post](http://www.quicksprout.com/2009/11/04/finding-the-right-business-partner/) on choosing a business partner. Neil makes some great points. The single biggest thing for me is to get along with whomever you pick. What I mean by that is that you actually want to be … [Read more...]