Everyone dreads the boring presentation. The reams of data, haphazardly placed on a mauve background. The 12 point font. The 15 deep bullet points that read like an epic snooze fest. The poorly graphed data, with small legend, seemly infinite data points that clutter the page … [Read more...]
Celebration of Knowledge #3
Greetings from COK #3. These last three posts were challenging stuff. So, don’t worry if it has not all sunk in. These concepts take some getting used to so relax and lets see what you know. ##Questions## ###1. Which one of the following equations relates to … [Read more...]
Zenhabits: How Passion and Focus Will Rock Your Career
Success at anything requires passion and focus. You can't just show up, wander in the meadow and expect to be a smashing success. It takes dedication, passion and focus to achieve your goals. This guest … [Read more...]
Quicksprout: Customers are always right, except when wrong
Listening to your customers is mostly a good idea. The conundrum is what to listen too. In general, grips about your product or service should be acted upon quickly. New features, functions or pricing, that's a whole other story. Neil's … [Read more...]
ZenHabits: 48 Fun Ways to Exercise
Some of you are probably thinking, exercise, what does that have to do with business? Actually, a lot. Leo has some pretty good [ideas](http://zenhabits.net/2009/12/48-fun-exercises/) on how to mix up the exercise routine and make it fun. You should apply that same idea to … [Read more...]