Whom among us has not had some self doubt about our business decisions. We toil, we fret and we worry about making payroll. Sometimes it gets downright scary to think that we created a business and that one day, it might all go away. This is normal. Even healthy if we can channel … [Read more...]
Topic #12: Business Development
##Talking Points## * Business Development looks for opportunities to expand the business by evaluating products and markets. * Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) are a big component of Business Development as well as strategic investment. * It differs from sales in that … [Read more...]
Rands In Repose: Wanted
Hiring talent is worst than dating. Sure, you can get a match maker (recruiter) to help you out but in the end, you are the boss and need to sell the company. That's why this post by [Rands](http://www.randsinrepose.com/archives/2010/01/04/wanted.html) rings so true it hurts my … [Read more...]
Joel on Software: Secret Language
Joel's [post](http://www.joelonsoftware.com/items/2009/12/30.html) on cryptic Microsoft reminds me of their Upgrading Your PC to Windows 7 matrix (Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/chart-of-the-day-microsofts-windows-7-upgrade-mess-2009-8) This is pretty complex and … [Read more...]
Topic #11: The Sales Role
##Talking Points## * Sales is the advocate for the company. Their job is to sell the companies products not necessarily define them. * Relationships are at the heart of a salespersons success * Honest, straightforward value is the best way to sell to customers * Make your … [Read more...]