##Talking Points## * R&D is an endurance event — it’s not a sprint * Pace is important. A sense of urgency gets things done. A sense of panic burns people out * Every company should have some R&D — even the mom and pop corner shop * Without a constant stream … [Read more...]
Celebration Of Knowledge #4
!Hola! from COK #4. By this point, you are probably getting a pretty good idea that a functioning business has a lot of moving parts. It’s not all three martini lunches and trade shows but rather a process that requires a wide knowledge base. Good job getting this far. So, let’s … [Read more...]
Topic #14: Tactics, Strategy and Grand Strategy
##Talking Points## * Tactics win battles — they are fluid and can change daily * Strategy win wars — it’s the path or road to take * Grand Strategy wins the peace — it’s the fork in the road one you get to your destination. * Switching between all three will allow you … [Read more...]
Topic #13: Negotiating
##Talking Points## * You can negotiate too good a deal * Understand the entire deal dynamics not just your piece * What the contract says is important but not as important as your intent at an equitable deal. * Never underestimate nor take advantage of a desperate … [Read more...]