Peer groups are an important part of your success. As children, it’s our peer group that influences us, shapes our attitudes and personality, even more than our parents. As we move into our careers, our peer group defines and nurtures our success. A strong peer group may not be … [Read more...]
The Perils of Moving Too Fast
Time to market is everything. Most startups and even big companies live by that creed. The theory goes that the sooner you can sell your Minimum Viable Product (MVP), the better off you are. This is clearly the case if you have a product that the market wants. What complicates … [Read more...]
The Burdens of Leadership
President Harry Truman had a famous sign on his desk. It read “The Buck Stops Here.” For all sorts of leaders, the buck not only stops with you but also carries a burden as it travels to you. No other position in an organization carries as much responsibility, burden, triumph, … [Read more...]
Confessions of an Email Manager
I admit it. I love email. I can’t even remember what it was like to manage people before email. It must have been lots of phone calls, meetings, hallway conversations, business trips and one-on-ones. Hey wait! I still have to do that. So, why the love affair with email? ##Once … [Read more...]
Telling Your Business Narrative via Video
A Guest Post by Eric Robbins ""Those who speak about their limits get to keep them. Those who act upon their dreams get to live them." - Eric Robbins, Chief Storyteller I love this quote for two reasons: it synthesizes how I feel about entrepreneurship and I invented it. … [Read more...]