One of the core aspects of being a business leader is being able to properly form and develop your company’s human capital. An organization will likely run into trouble trying to increase profitability and expand without the right people in place to help it do so. A large amount … [Read more...]
5 Tips To Keep Peace In Your Family Business
According to the Small Business Administration, family-owned businesses make up about 90 percent of all businesses in the U.S. Like any other business venture, it won’t be without its challenges; however, starting and growing a family business can be a rewarding and lucrative … [Read more...]
How to Keep Good Employees in Traditionally High Turnover Industries
When you're a fast food manager, turnover isn't just a dessert. Fast food restaurants, retail stores and other businesses that offer minimum wage jobs are famous for having high employee turnover rates. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the hospitality, food … [Read more...]
Apps That Will Boost the Productivity of Your Small Business
When you are starting up a small business you will soon learn the value of productivity. The phrase “time is money” starts to make a lot more sense when you are working on your own time and your own money! Essentially when you are working for yourself the more efficiently you … [Read more...]
The 5 Times You May Need A Consultant
A Guest Post by Debbie Malone Ask anyone who works in any type of office environment and one word more than any other strikes fear in their hearts: consultants. Thanks to misleading representations in TV and movies, many people mistakenly believe that when their company hires … [Read more...]