In the past year, people have spent over $87B on new bedding worldwide. Humans around the world understand the value of high quality sleep. They know they need suitable bedding to achieve their ends. What people may not know, however, is what constitutes good bedding. How does one know what sheets to buy? How does one get the best results out of their bedding purchase?
When it comes to buying sheets, thread count is no longer the defining measure of quality. Any count above 250 is enough to ensure durability. Instead, buyers should consider ply, color, material, staple length, and weave when making their purchase decisions. White is the easiest color to clean, for example.
Once one has bought sheets, they should wash them every 1-2 weeks for best sleep results. Studies show that people who are “very satisfied” with their sleep wash sheets, on average, every 12.8 days. Learn more about a guide to buying better sheets for a better night’s sleep in the infographic below: