What do lawyers, politicians, and car mechanics have in common? Answer? Nobody trusts them!
Too Harsh? Maybe.
After all, the vast majority are just trying to do a good job or make it through another stressful day. But even if lying politicians and swindling lawyers are exceptions rather than the rule, the actions of a few bad apples have tainted the reputation of these professions forever.
That’s because lawyers, politicians, and mechanics are among the top 10 least-loved occupations in the USA. The list was compiled by Resume.io, who used data from Twitter and job search sites to see how the general public feels about certain professions.
Other (unsurprising) entries include accountants (nobody likes paying tax bills!) and noisy, disruptive construction workers. There’s plenty of frustration directed toward the legacy media system at the moment, which explains why journalists appear in the 10 least-loved occupation list. But teachers? What have they done to earn the public’s distrust? It proves what many educators have been saying for years – “teaching is a thankless job!”
Resume.io balanced out the negative by finding out which professionals are loved the most.
Receptionists across the USA are doing an excellent job of being the friendly face of their organization; they’re officially the most loved workers in the USA! Chefs came next, followed by realtors and dentists(?).
Check out the complete lists below, as well as state by state breakdown of the research. You’ll also see how the British feel about the professionals they deal with on a daily basis.