If you’ve been to the grocery store recently, you might have noticed that everything costs more now. You might have also received an email from your landlord politely informing you that your rent is going up to ‘better reflect’ current market trends.
And let’s not even talk about those gas prices.
In other words, inflation is here, and it won’t be going away anytime soon. Don’t take our word for it. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell recently decided to retire the word transitory when talking about inflation because it’s no longer “an apt description of what we are dealing with.”
So what’s the best way to protect yourself against rising costs? Buy precious metals? Go all-in on Bitcoin and pray for the pump? Maybe. Or, perhaps more sensibly, you could follow the thousands of others swapping the mega-cities for places where you get more for your money.
But where should you look first? You can start by checking out the latest research from CashNetUSA. By comparing data on average salaries and local living costs, the finance provider created several lists showing the most (and least) affordable cities in the USA.
The tables show the best places to go for highly-skilled workers in tech, banking, and business. And you might be surprised by just how much you can save by making the big move.
Despite earning significantly less than coders in San Francisco, those working in cities like Santa Fe and Alexandria are thousands of dollars better off every year. And it’s simply because living costs, including rent and food, are much cheaper.
See where you can outrun rising inflation by checking out the infographics below.