We all know how vital images are to website design. As well as illustrating and breaking up written content, they provide information through visualisations and examples, and generally make a website more appealing visually to users.
As images make up the majority of a page’s weight, they can be a key factor in slowing down website load times. This in turn affects conversions, as 1 in 4 users click off a website that takes more than 4 seconds to load. Images that are compressed to a small size and correctly formatted will ensure that they load up effortlessly. A recent survey of digital marketing professionals found that image optimization was the most used strategy when improving a website’s loading speed.
They’re also an increasingly important factor towards SEO, and should be optimized accordingly with proper titles and at text. This will help search engines understand the context of the images and how they fit in with the rest of the content, helping the page to rank better.
Website Builder Expert created this infographic with more insight into image optimization: