There are countless physical and mental health benefits of keeping your employees hydrated, which have a significant influence on a team’s performance. Check out the interesting statistics and facts below provided by Water Logic to help you understand what you may be missing out on if you have a dehydrated work force.
Properly Hydrated Workers Are More Productive
- In order to maintain peak levels of productivity, the body needs to be fully hydrated.
- Just a 1% drop in hydration could lead to a 12% drop in productivity.
- A 3% to 4% drop in hydration could lead to a drop in productivity of between 25% and 50%.
Your Body Needs Water
When you take a look at the amount of water present in the various parts of a healthy, hydrated body, you will begin to understand the importance of being properly hydrated at all times. Overall, the human body is made up of approximately 70% water, with certain organs containing much higher ratios than this.
- 90% of the mass of your lungs is actually water.
- 85% of your blood is water, believe it or not.
- 80% of your skin’s mass is made up of water.
- 75% of your brain’s compositions is fact water.
- 75% of your muscles are made up of water.
- 24% of human bones consist of water.
A Hydrated Body is a Healthier Body
- Physical Performance: It is not unusual to lose 5% to 10% of your body’s water content during vigorous exercise.
- Energy, Focus, & Brainpower: Dehydration can lead to lack of energy, difficulty in concentrating, and sub-optimal brain function.
- Headache Relief: Dehydration is believed to be a major contributing factor in the occurrence of headaches and migraines.
- Better metabolism: Correctly hydrated people are less likely suffer from constipation, which is an excellent reason to increase your water consumption.
- Regulating Moods: Several studies have proven dehydration can lead to negative moods?and interfere with a person’s ability to think rationally.
- Faster Weight Loss: If you are on a calorie-controlled diet, research has shown drinking several liters of water can help boost your metabolism.
Conquering Dehydration in the Workplace
- Install a Water Cooler: Workers with easy access to cool, clean water are far more likely to stay well hydrated.
- Drink 2 liters of water daily: Most experts agree that drinking at least 2 litres of water a day will prevent dehydration.
- Break it up into 8 portions: The best way to drink 2 liters every day is to spread it into 8 equal portions.
- Limit coffee to 4 cups a day: Try to persuade employees to drink no more than 4 cups of coffee a day as caffeine is a leading cause of dehydration.
Also published on Medium.
Really this is very great information. Thanks