This morning was hard to get going. My Mac, which never crashes, crashed for some reason. It seems it had to do with connecting to the wireless network, which it tries to do everything I open it. All it did this morning was show the pinwheel of death. The pinwheel is its way of telling you its thinking about what to do and to not disturb. After waiting for some five minutes, I had to disturb it since nothing would work right.
One of the nice things about the Mac is that shutting it down is pretty easy. Unlike windows, a Mac you can just Force Quit every application and it is perfectly fine with it. It will not complain when you reboot that you did not “properly shut down”. It is a lot more forgiving that way.
Now that my Mac is back up, I need to put my writing time in. The plan for the next week is to finish the Monkey See, Monkey Do piece for submission next week. I need to chop it up a lot and rearrange some of the dialog. Most likely, I will remove the wine dialog since that just seems a bit lame. It seemed good at the time but thinking about it now, it really adds nothing.
My first workshop went pretty well. The comments were all good. The recurring theme was to add examples (which others have told me) so that it grounds it in reality. It also appears that everyone in the room had the same experience with managers as I do. All had stories about how bad management pushed them to do more and more while not understanding the issues that they faced.
I hope the Monkey See, Monkey Do piece turns out well. I have to remember all of the details and am not sure the proper way to list the dialog. Oh well, I guess I just have to dive in.